Comments on: PayPal: “Sorry, we can’t link your bank account right now” – How To Fix It? Technology News | Gadget Reviews | Tutorials Fri, 09 Dec 2022 18:19:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kirsten A Flynn Fri, 09 Dec 2022 18:19:00 +0000 I have had this problem repeatedly with Paypal, and will be closing my account. I bank with a a Credit union, and have had this happen repeatedly. I have tried deleting and re-entering my bank account on my phone, I have tried doing on my desk top, both through the log in verification, and entering the routing number. I have called customer service repeatedly, spending hours on the phone. (Literally hours, I am am still on hold in the midst of a 38 minute phone call at this moment in time.) Customer service has reenterd my account for me, manually. I have called my bank and facilitated a conversation between Paypal and my Bank, TWICE. They have no idea why it is happening. I ended up asking them to send a paper check, which is an option that people do not know exists. They are the worst, the very worst.

By: Aamir Amdavadi Thu, 18 Aug 2022 08:23:49 +0000 Solved
PayPal Employee PayPal_Adrian
PayPal Employee
‎Aug-18-2022 01:54 PM
Hi @AAmdavadi,

Welcome to the Community!

Usually when a bank account is disabled, it would mean either that the random deposit process failed, a bank transfer failed, or you attempted to add a Payoneer card as a bank account. Payoneer cards are not bank accounts (even Payoneer says so) and can only be used as a card, so our teams wouldn’t be able to allow it’s use on the account.

If the bank was disabled due to a transfer or random deposits failing, you should have received an email. If that’s the case, you’ll want to reach out to customer service.

