Comments on: How Accurate is Google Analytics? Technology News | Gadget Reviews | Tutorials Mon, 23 Dec 2013 23:22:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: larric Mon, 23 Dec 2013 23:22:38 +0000 First off great information. I still wonder if my own visits are counted even though I block my ip address. I’m starting to see more returning visitors than new.

By: Suman Thu, 25 Apr 2013 01:22:03 +0000 I am using Google Analytics since 2 years and its damn too good.

By: Mike King Mon, 08 Apr 2013 13:22:34 +0000 Thanks for the encouraging article. Analytics tells me that my visitors is in the tens daily, when another credible counter is in the thousands. CPanel says even more.

I would love to know the real figure.

Anyway, thanks again, the javascript fact alone gave me some info.

Cheers, Mike.

PS. Hope you achieve your Dreams and Ambitions.

By: Nathan Mon, 25 Feb 2013 15:03:35 +0000 You make some good points, but I often wonder why GA regularly reports rounded off figures, a little fishy but where I work it’s the only way of gauging change organic search changes at a level of detail.

By: Google Analytics – kig på trends, for Googles Analytics tal er forkerte Fri, 28 Sep 2012 14:40:53 +0000 […] er ikke nogen hemmelighed, og jeg faldt over denne artikel om Google Analytics datagrundlag, som også fremhæver […]

By: Automated Sentiment Analysis is For Suckers Thu, 14 Jun 2012 04:11:55 +0000 […] tool. The problem is, it needs to be consistently inaccurate. For instance, Google Analytics is well known to under-report, somewhere in the vicinity of 10-20 percent. The thing is, it never (assuming it’s installed […]

By: Aditya Sun, 06 May 2012 14:39:02 +0000 In reply to Tuan Do.

That explains my query to some extent. Thanks :) My blog recently got a PR of 3 and traffic from organic sources like Google has picked up and the avg. time on site from Google is pretty high and the bounce rate too is low. I hope this will be able to cover up for the low quality traffic from SU. Thanks again!

By: Tuan Do Sun, 06 May 2012 14:18:34 +0000 In reply to Aditya.

Yes, that’s right, Aditya.
Traffic from Stumble Upon always has low avg time because its users are not targeted. If you use SU, you will see this issue as well. Sometimes you stumble on an irrelevant post and you will pass it in just a few seconds. Therefore, I always consider traffic from SU low quality.

By: Aditya Sun, 06 May 2012 09:15:24 +0000 The only problem I have is with the avg. time of site. My bounce rate is pretty low (45%) if taken into account the standards of my blogging. However, the average time on site is very low and it is surprising how my bounce rate is low even though readers hardly spend a minute or 2 on my blog. I’ve tried my best to filter my visits and automated crawlers. Added to that, I get a tremendous amount of traffic from stumbleupon and the avg. time is again very very low and yet the bounce rate too is low. I don’t understand this at all. I really hope you can explain this?

By: Sabrina Sabino Tue, 20 Mar 2012 16:25:49 +0000 @Noah – If a visitor with Javascript enabled on their browser visits a website with GA on it, it counts as 1 unique visitor. If a person with Javascript disabled on their browser visits the same website, GA will not recognize the visitor (and so this does not appear on your GA stats).

Thanks for the article. Although it would be really cool to know exactly HOW MANY visitors my websites have, not just a general idea. :( The search continues…
